Meet Alisa

As a baker and cook, I have been honing my skills and technique over the past 25 years. Through tons of mistakes, countless experiments and moments of triumphant glory, I feel I am confident and very excited to share what I’ve learned with you. I’ve taken classes here and abroad to indulge my passion, always practicing what I’ve learned and experimenting with variations along the way.

Baking and cooking require patience, knowledge, technique and the right equipment. Not to mention some really good recipes. The most important factor above all though, is cooking with love…Sometimes that is very hard to do when you are rushing to get dinner on the table for your hungry family. These classes are fun, and I look forward to sharing with you my love for the magic that happens in the kitchen and the joy or creating something tasty and wonderful to share with those you love.

So join me and together let’s not only create, but also do some good. Each class costs $100 with all proceeds donated to various charitable causes. You will find the specific charities listed beneath each class. Looking forward to putting on our aprons together and enjoying the art of baking and cooking.
